Help heal a broken warrior

Laughter is the Best Medicine


  1. Laughter is Contagious!

  2. Laughter Reduces the Stress Response.

  3. Laughter Boosts Immunity

  4. Laughter Increases Resilience

  5. Laughter Combats Depression

  6. Laughter Relieves Pain



More vets succumbed to suicide than were killed in Iraq

177 active-duty soldiers died by suicide compared to 176 soldiers killed in combat in the Iraq War

A recent analysis found a suicide rate among veterans of about 30 per 100,000 population per year, compared with the civilian rate of 14 per 100,000.

Increase the Laughter In Your Life

  • Make humor a priority!
  • Visit the Laugh Factory follow your favorite comedian!
  •  Share laughter with friends. Invite friends over to watch comedy shows and make laughter a part of your health routine.
  • Remember that life is funny. Tell a friend your funny story as a way to increase the power of laughter by sharing.
  • Be discerning about your humor by laughing with—not at—people.  

Help Heal A Warrior by giving the gift of Laughter.

In partnership with the Laugh Factory the  RTW VET Center is conducting a fundraising campaign to provide laughter, to a Veteran.